Sunday, June 7, 2020

Effect of Color Paper on Learning and Performance - 825 Words

Effect of Color Paper on Learning and Performance (Dissertat. Methodology Sample) Content: Effect of Color Paper on Learning and PerformanceNameInstitutionDateAbstractThe aim of this study is to examine whether color has an effect on the memory. Participants were 40 college students who were enrolled in a mathematics related course. They distributed into four groups and each pair of the group was given similar test but the tests were printed on papers of different colors. The participants took the test in different rooms and they were not made aware that they were being tested on papers of different colors. They then completed the mathematical task which was marked and the results were analyzed.Keywords: memory, colorINTRODUCTIONSome researchers have shown that black and white stimuli have a positive effect on the learning process and some even say that color has a firmer result (Farley, 1997). Light that allows humans to see perceive travels in waves, in the form of electromagnetic energy. Each wave of the light has its own unique wavelength which determ ines the color and the amplitude determine the brightness of that particular color (Farley, 1997).For years, scientists have been interested in the effect of color in the process of learning at all levels of education-nursery, primary and post primary (Dixon Smilek, 2002). However, most of the color research findings are not founded on a common conceptual modelColor is conceived to be the most crucial visual aspect to human beings as it operates as a very powerful information channel to the cognitive system of human beings (Dixon Smilek, 2002). Color has been found by psychologists to influence the memory performance by increasing the level of attention and arousal of the memory of the human beingsThere have been many investigations concerning Color in many ways for quite a long period. Most researchers have found that certain colors spark off certain emotions and enhance the environment to evoke different kinds of responses. Most of the color studies are carried out in learning institutions to study ways of improving the academic performance.Color has been shown to affect productivity and mood in a variety of different situations (Dixon Smilek, 2002). This survey evaluated the performance of learners in a mathematics test, comparing the results of the students whose test papers were white in color with the grades of students whose test papers were pink-colored. Dixon Smilek (2002) assert that the results of the study revealed that there was a very slight significance of the color of the test to the performance of the students.The way a particular object gets its color depends on the way its atoms absorb certain wavelengths of the light while reflecting others. Due to this reason, most objects appear colored because they absorb certain wavelengths of light (Farley, 1997).There are different types of colors; the monochromatic colors and the achromatic spectrum colors (Dixon Smilek, 2002). The achromatic spectrum colors range from white to grey. White is a mixture of many colors. The examples of the monochromatic light colors are yellow, red and blue. These are the colors that are independent in that they are not obtained by mixing any two different colors.When a person can not perceive all or some of the colors, he/she is termed as being color blind and the condition is known as daltonism or color blindnessLITERATURE REVIEWLearning plays a very crucial role in the lives of people. Without learning human beings would not be able to remember or perform any skills and everyday survival would be difficult (Wichmann, 2002).Wichmann (2002) defines memory refers to the mental process of encoding and retaining information. The human cognitive system and the memorization process remains the centre of research among many psychologists today. Psychologists have proposed many variables that improve human memory. The memory of humans comprises of six types which are long-term memory, motor skill memory, short-term memory, verbal memory, sensory , and the photographic memory (Wichmann, 2002).Farley (1997) writes that the memory arousal refers to the state of being physically alert. There are several body systems and hormones that may contribute to this alertness. Research has revealed that colors can improve the relationship between the memory and arousal. Arousing events have the ability to improve the memory performance (Farley, 1997). When an individual is undergoing these arousing events, some hormonal changes take place in the brain that lead to enhancement of memory performance.PURPOSEThe purpose of this study is to attempt to determine whether there is any difference in the grades between the students whose question papers wee plain color (white) and those whose papers were pink color.REQUIREMENTSa) 7th grade Mathematics test- 40 copiesb) 20 copies printed on a pink paperc) 20 copies of test printed on a white color paperd) 40 deskse...